
Christina M. Frederick, Ph.D.

Board Member

Dr. Christina M. Frederick completed her Ph.D. and Master’s degrees in Cognitive Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. She also earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from the University of California, Davis. Dr. Frederick has worked in higher education for the duration of her over 20-year career teaching, advising, and conducting research. Her academic specialties are in cognition and vision and she practices research to foster learning, contribute to the field, and support the academic community. In the classroom, she encourages active learning and engagement with her teaching methods. She also encourages student creativity, challenges students, all the while providing the necessary support to ensure her students achieve their goals and, often, beyond. Dr. Frederick delights in the work she has done mentoring students and is committed to following goals through to completion as is evidenced by the number of presentations and publications she has with her students regarding their research.

Dr. Frederick has three children who span the ages of 6 to 17 keeping her on her toes with needs ranging from help with tying shoes to reviewing pre-calculus homework. Her house has also become home to her pets, Rocky (sheltie dog), Smalls (guinea pig), and Isabella (female peacock, a.k.a. peahen). When Dr. Frederick is at rest, she can often be found outside, with her children, family, and friends, enjoying the sunshine and busy working on creative activities with crafts, jewelry, and, especially, cooking.

Contact: cmfrederick@gmail.com

CV available by request